Friday, June 09, 2006

Happy Bunny Me

Firstly I would just like to say a big smoochey THANK YOU MARJA! You make me all warm and fuzzy, just cause you bother to read this rubbish!

Last night we went to paris to the collectors society cocktail for Swarovski, and I finally bought my Birthday Present (oh and a couple of extras!!). I love my new ring and have hardly stopped looking at it today. It even feels ok and i was worried about that. i normally don't like rings which are not perfectly flat between my fingers. I mean I've got podgy fingers and the last thing I need is anything keeping them apart! Well anyways this one feels good as well as looking good.

Ross was the perfect angel and charmed the pants off everyone he met. he was the only kid there but he really is well behaved and polite, so even in the designer boutique he was accepted withought a problem. You can't imagine his face when one of the hostesses arrived with an orange juice for him and offered him canapes, just as if he was an adult! Needless to say Mum & Dad were not drinking orange juice, ours was a little sparklier than that!

Also yesterday i received a parcel of stuff i had bought from jenn in the US (if your read this THANK YOU). So I'm well stocked with pretty papers for a while AND I exchanged a wrong cartridge for my Xyron for a pack of 50 sheets of assorted textured card stock!! How cool was that, even French companies are producing their own Scrapping stock.. no more wishing I could get Bazzil for decent prices, as this was half the price and easily the same thickness and similar texture!

Well that's it I'm all happy and about to go out and enjoy the evening sunshine..... Yup even Summer seems to have arrived at last!

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