Monday, February 20, 2006

Me Back Hurts!! I need to stop sitting in an office!

Typical! First day back at work and my Back is killing me. I'm convinced it's because I've been so active this past week and sitting at my desk all day is not good for me!! That or wearing heels!!

Father and Son are off for a swimming lesson tonight so I've got the dinner to do for when they get home. Not even sure yet what I have in the freezer but I'll need to find something. I can't beleive my little monster will be 4 on Thursday, the time is going so fast and now I understand why my parents say that they don't remember much of my growing up. It really seems if you blink you miss something.

He went off to School like a little angel this morning and was so excited about going swimming again tonight. How I hope this enthusiasm stays.

It seems that things have been pretty quiet during my absence, even my E-Mail had not exploded, that has got to be a first! Of course as always you come back from a week away and everything needs to be done today (if not yesterday), but thats just normal practice. Shrug it off and get on with the grind is my philosophy! My team is stull under staffed and no help on the horizon so what's the point of worrying about it.

Well off to get moving with things. Hopefully I'll be more co-ordinated and coherent tomorrow!!

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