Thursday, February 02, 2006

Confusion and Reality

Somewhere between my utter confusion and the reality of my life I should be able to find a middle ground.... Right??

Sometimes I wonder if I really am living on the same planet as all the folks I work with! I jsut spent today doing meetings about new systems and wondering where all these brilliant but completely un workable ideas come from, oh and why the people on all these project teams are always the same ones?? If several projects which they have been involved with fail... should they really be allowed to start new ones????

OK so that over let's get to the confusion.... How can my brain tell me to do one thing and my body does the opposite?? Like this morning my brain was literally screaming GET OUT OF BED, my body just lay there ignoring the radio alarm.

Reality hits big time... that would be when my body catches up with the brain goin Sh-t, I've got a presentation to go to and need a suit and "professional" appearance, arther than jsut showe on "whatever"!! Agggggggg sometimes I hate working!

On a more fun note I did finally take photos of my Silk Scarf which I painted. I've not done any "real" painting since before Ross was born as it's not very practical with a toddler around, but I figured he's almost four now so can understand the "dont touch" thing. The scarf is a very fine silk (poingnee 9 for anyone who knows about this stuff). So the things behing the skarf are showing through on the photo. The colours are very vibrant in real life as there is a nice sheen to the fabric which does not show up on the photos. The outlines on this scarf were pre-printed so all I had to do was "colour in", I chose to change the colours a lot from the example on the package as I hated their choices!! Don't think I would have chosen this design for myself but hubby bought it for me, and he is usually spot on, so he gets some leeway. Also our usual supplier has stopped carrying all the stock, so coices were limited. Next time I will do one freehand.

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