Well today was just a nightmare, to be fair the entire week has been one waiting to happen!
I need to write this and if it offends anyone tough luck!
Some folks really Pi-- me off!
OK so why you ask? Simply put you really can't please everyone, especially at work! I've been trying to hand over part of my job to someone who has just come back from maternity leave.... well I knew she was not happy with taking over the particular job, but it seems she is determined to make my life miserable with it!
If you don't agree with my way of doing things, just tell me to my face.... if you want to change stuff do it or check your ideas with the boss.... if you want me to step out completely have the guts to tell me.... basically DO NOT GO CRYING TO EVERYONE ELSE. DO NOT BLACKEN MY NAME WITH OUR OTHER COLLEGUES.
I think anyone reading this has already guessed that all is not well huh! Tonight was the last straw when I was verbally attatcked by one of the folks I thought had more sence than get involved. Well was I ever wrong!
I'm sorry folks think i'm stepping on their toes, but honestly I'm following the orders set out by our boss. When he says jump I jump.... it may not be to everyones taste but i've learned from bitter experience that for me not to have a miserable life i have to take care of myself, not necessarily get involved in everyone else's gripes with the boss. I've had more downs than ups in the last few years, so honestly folks I can understand better than most your frustrations, but at the same time realise that I can only do so much, and it does not include babysitting everyones feelings.
As I explained (or so i thought) I have handed over certain tasks straight away, but for others I've been told to keep involved as i've been in the project for two years which is only just "going live", hence I have a certain historical knowledge of decisions made. Once the flaming thing is working perfectly (or as near as any computer system ever does..), my replacement can have it all, until then it's just plain common sence that I stay involved.
So what am i really saying??
1. its not personal
2. i'm not empire building
3. I don't want work to be a nightmare
4. let's just try to get through this thing withought strangling anyone.....
Yes it's a lot of I, well hell this is my Blog and I'll say what I want.
Oh and for anyone who cares I'm still not scrapping, but I have started to do jigsaws again... My patience needs work at the moment!