Friday, November 03, 2006

Where did October go?

Just logged in and realised my last post was on October 1st! What the heck happened to last month??

Well I guess i know, basically it passed in a blur of business and madness. New stuff at work has meant that I've not gotten very much accomplished and seem to have spent the entire time just trying to stay above water.

Scrap wise I scrapped like a mad thing during the Scrapitudes Cyber Crop and produced more LOs and stuff than I've done in the last few months stuck together. Other than the Cyber Crop it's been a pretty lean patch for me, except for one LO which I think is soooooooooooo my best ever. The problem being it's got a metalic frame so scans rubbish, oh and as usual the sticky letters decide to be non sticky and I've had to re-stick stuff.

I kow it's not "fashionable", or "distressed" or "Flowery".....or....or.....or...... BUT it is so my style! Think I just need to accept that I will always do what I want and ignore all fashions!

We are doing a Christmas advent swap on Scrapitude and I received the name of my swapee, it's going to be tough as I always find it difficult to shop for someone I've never met. I also am pretty cash strapped (again!) so have to be a bit careful with the spending, I guess loads of immagination is called for here!

Well off to take Ross to the doc, he had a pretty bad night and I know he's sick by the simple fact I can't get him to eat or drink. He's norlmally asking for breakfast as soon as he wakes up.... oh but not today!

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