Thursday, July 20, 2006

Pick me up and pour me out.......

That is whatever is left of me after I turn into a greasy spot on the floor. We spend the entire winter wishing for Summer....... then when it arrives wish for rain! It's hot, it's sticky and I'm already fed up with it!!

Maby if I actually had a chance to to out and enjoy the sunshine I would feel differently. We have finally finished all the painting in the lounge/bedroom but that meant working through three days of incredible heat last weekend. I honestly feel like I havent stopped since the beginning of the month when I took the little one to Scotland.

I still can't really get to my scrap stuff and that is a major source of frustration too, so much so that I've taken a day off work tomorrow to advance my "tidying" just so I can get my scrap stuff accessible and get the table where I want it etc.

I've also realised I need help with my computer skills for the web stuff. I would love to be able to do things like embed links in my blog test, create links to other bloggers sites etc. I just can't seem to get the hang of it from the "help" menus. When I learned to attatch photos I got it really quick because a "real" person helped me, maby that's what I need to find, a "buddy" to talk me through a few things.

Work wise things are getting calmer on some fronts and crazier on others. It's typical of this time of year as the convention business has given way to real tourists, therefore convention audit is quiet...... however all the "inherited" jobs seem to need attention and the projects too so I'm almost as busy as ever. There are quite a lot of staff issues to be cleared up too so I'm just trying to keep everyone calm and assured that they will all get sorted out in time.

Well off to drip somewhere else..........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't drip too near the paint pots Jacqui!