Saturday, September 16, 2006

Finally in the mood to scrap

After quite some time where I've been scrapping intermittently I'm actually inspired to get moving again. It could also be due to the fact that I've finally bought new printer ink and new photo paper!......

This week I received an order from Scrapitude with some gorgeous new papers. Once I opened the box I was surprised to see that I had unconciously ordered loads of papers which are autumn tones. it could be due to this that my scrap urge is back. i love the papers and the colours and the patterns.....and....and.

Anyways I finished the first LO using the papers last night, and I think it may even be my new fav (told you it changed daily!!).Oh and I also did a digi to send to my mum!

1 comment:

CaroleW said...

Love both the layouts, Jacqui - and glad your mojo has returned - even if it did come with the ink and paper!

Love the digi layout - looks as though I'll be doing some this week, I have to pack my stash away again for moving but I can't stay away altogether - thank you for a timely reminder that there is 'another way'!