Friday, July 07, 2006

Here's the scoop!

I don't hate my job any more!!

I actually woke up during the night and realised this! OK so part of it is not the most stimulating thing in the world, but at least it's interesting sometimes. Maby it's because I'm actually under pressure after having taken on my collegues tasks. I'm actually feeling useful and needed again. Two years of being under stretched mentally was I'm thinking my problem. Too much time to dwell on the fact that I loved my previous job, too much time to regret how I was treated on my return from maternity leave..... basically too much time!

Now I've got barely any time, am constantly answering questions and am attending meetings where stuff gets accomplished. Even my relationship with the boss seems to be better. I could of course be completely deluded and in a week I'll be back to square one, until then I'm just happy to feel relatively good about what I do between 9am and 6pm every day.

On other stuff I really want to get scrapping again. I was knocked out of the goals competition at Scrapitude because I forgot to add vellum in my list of items used on my last layout, that will teach me to be in a hurry all the time!

Anyways I'm ok with it as I've decided to do less challenge, competition type stuff as I was actually being less creative on my own behalf and was not necessarily scrapping for the benefit of the pictures, just whatever would fit the requirements. Back to "scrapping those memories".

The appartment painting looks like it on for this weekend as the weather has broaken a little and the temperature has finally dropped below 30. The paint tins all said that you should not paint above 27°........ should be ok! If I do get it done one of my main objectives is to get access to my scrap supplies more easily. If I accomplish this I am going to be soooooooooo happy!

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