Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ahhhhhhhhh. Bl---y PC and whatever!

Well I spent ages yesterday preparing a whole update to this thing and when I pushed PUBLISH........................... yup the PC decided to have an "off" moment! No idea what happened to my post, it just dissapeared into cyber hell.

It's still unbearably hot here and I'm really starting to suffer from lack of sleep. So much so that I almost fell asleep at my desk this afternoon. I think it's the air conditioning, I feel so nice and cool that my body just wants to curl up under the desk and rest in the nice fresh air. They are now predicting no real change in the weather for at least the next three weeks........ not sure I can cope much longer.

Work is really busy and I'm not getting much "me" time at home so I've got a problem with getting everything I want done. On a happy not the lounge/bedroom is looking great and hopefully the little one's room will son be looking good too. The heat even effects all of this as everything takes at least twice as long as planned.... work 15mins....rest 15 mins...... you get my meaning!

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